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October 01, 2008


Ina Bendis

Monterey then requested depublication,
but their arguments did not hold water,
and on Feb Eignteen the Caliofornia Supreme
did exactly what I felt they oughter!

So when agencies smirk and wax recalcitrant,
in CPRA actions you file,
just make sure you prevail to at least some extent,
cite this case, and walk off with a smile!


Neil L. Shapiro

And Neil returns Mike's greetings.

Dr. Ina K. Bendis, Esq.

On October 20, 2008 Mr. Christopher Stampolis, a non-party acting in propria persona, filed a Petition for Certification. Though I did not represent Mr. Stampolis, I provided him a bit of pro bono legal research and writing support in this endeavor.

On October 27, 2008 Monterey County (represented by Charles J. McKee, Esq. and Wendy S. Strimling, Esq.) filed an Opposition to Request to Certify for Publication with the Court of Appeal, and copied their document to the Supreme Court.

On October 29, 2008, the Appeals Court acted favorably on Mr. Stampolis's Petition, and certified the case for publication.

As a fairly "green" attorney, I am not clear on whether Monterey's copying the Supreme Court with its Opposition (which it filed with the Appeals Court two days prior to the case's publicaton), suffices to trigger the Supreme Court's depublicaton review under 8.1105(e). Or, conversely whether Monterey must now file a depublication requst letter with the Supreme Court to trigger a review.

FYI, Mr. Stampolis (a non-attorney) and I are both proud alums of Concord Law School. Due to its Internet-enabled Law education, Concord is not eligible for ABA approval. Nonetheless, we received a great education there. Mr. Stampolis serves as a Trustee of the West Valley Mission Community College District and owns a small local newspaper. I serve as a Trustee of the Santa Clara Unified School District.

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