Some Lawyers May Charge As Much As $2,000/Hour.
Martha Neil, in an ABA Journal online article posted February 8, 2016, reports that some top partners at BigLaw firms are now billing at rates close to $1,500 per hour. Many of these rates come from large firms billing in high profile Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. One DLA Piper partner indicated his own billable rate exceeds $1,500 per hour, but more than half of his matters involve a fixed-fee arrangement. A bankruptcy blogger reports that some lawyers charge as much as $2,000 per hour, but no specifics were given.
City of Newport Beach Will Negotiate Fee Award To Prevailing CPRA Plaintiff In Teen Supervision Conduct In Sister Cities.
Plaintiff Kent Moore, a former board member of the Sister City Association, filed to obtain public records from the City of Newport Beach relating to supervision of teens who went on exchange program with Newport Beach’s foreign-based sister cities. Orange County Superior Court Judge Linda Marks was “troubled” by the process through which documents were produced to Mr. Moore, who filed the suit to obtain records in February 2015. According to a February 14, 2016 article in The Orange County Register, Newport Beach will negotiate the amount of attorney’s fees to be paid to Mr. Moore based upon a fee-shifting statute in the California Public Records Act. City Attorney Aaron Harp was quoted as saying that Newport Beach has spent about $100,000 on the case, while Mr. Moore’s attorney Melinda Luthin was her client had spent “hundreds of thousands” on the dispute.