On Remand, Reasonableness Of Fees And Allocation On MRL Claims Were The Charge Of The Lower Court.
In Stooksberry v. El Rova Mobile Home Park, LLC, Case No B329202 (2d Dist., Div. 1 May 29, 2024) (unpublished), plaintiff resident dismissed a complaint alleging late payment of rent, fee increases, and other claims arising under the Mobilehome Residency Law (Civ. Code, § 798 et seq.) (MRL), which has a prevailing party clause which is bilateral in nature. The lower court denied fees to the mobile home park, but that was reversed as a matter of law. The problem for the mobilehome homeowner was that two of his claims did arise under the MRL, despite trying to argue otherwise. Even worse, the MRL scheme does allow attorney’s fees to a party where the litigation is dismissed in the defense favor (Civ. Code, § 798.85.), with caselaw extending the dismissal to a voluntary dismissal. That resulted in a remand to determine what fees were owed to the mobile home park, keeping in mind the lower court had to face reasonableness and allocation principles given only two claims were adversely against mobile home park owner under the MRL.